Friday, August 14, 2009

Where's the Keys?

I have been slacking in the posting department lately, I have just simply been flat out busy.

Hubs went on yet another Man Trip, and I am totally jealous. He goes on this annual fishing trip on the ocean in PR with some guys from back home. I think that this is his 5th year in a row. I am jealous... Not about the fishing trip, but a touch on the bitter side in regards to his freedom that he still gets after having our son. I was blessed with yet another sleepless night from a restless baby. Good times.

I am at my Sister's while he is away, I miss her! Another one of the reasons for my visit was the opportunity to have a visit with my Mom. She has only met Hudson the one time, and I thought it would be a spectacular idea to meet her half way-- which is at Talia's house.

Once again, she let me down. She was not able to get the time off, after she reassured me that she would before I started to make plans to meet her. She never even had the audacity to even call to let me know that she would not be able to make it. Still haven't heard form her. I don't know why I let her get to me, it's not like I should even be surprised. I think that this may be the last straw.

Sadly, I am done.

I vow to be a good Mother, never ever would I want my children to feel about me the way that we do about her. It breaks my heart.

Sister and I decided to take a trip into the city yesterday. She bought a new mini van the week before, and wanted to go in to arrange a plan to get her DVD player installed. We did so, and went for a over-priced shabby lunch. We did some shopping, and made one last stop at W.nner's.

It was time to go home. Talia put the bags in the back of the van, and put Finley in her seat. I had already put Hudson in his seat, and went around back to put the stroller away. I slam down the liftgate, and my sister come flying around the corner of the van with her arms waving.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she screams! I told you not to close the doors because Finley hit the lock while she was playing with her keys. I never heard her tell me, I swear! Where are the keys?!?! Inside with the kids.

So the two babies are now locked in the vehicle in front of the store. My heart is in my throat. Talia gets on her phone and proceeds to make calls first to her dealership, and next to Roadside. Both places are a fucking joke. We are in a crisis, and they keep putting her on hold over and over again only to come back with a series of stupid questions like mileage on her vehicle and street addresses and shit like that. I think she should kick up a fuss and make an issue about it. Accidents happen all the time, but the process of fixing it all was a fucking joke.

Thank God it wasn't hot out.

All the while that she was on the phone, this woman comes up behind me and is chirping in my ear asking the two of us if we left our bank card in the store because she saw one there. I give the dirtiest look ever with my bitch lines in full force and shooing her away with both hands. She's all stunned looking, but soon got the hint. I am looking at the windows on the van thinking to myself which one was going to be the least expensive to replace should I smash one out to get the kids out. I refocus. Glass all over the van would not be cool, but would if I had to.

I look around the parking lot thinking about how dry my mouth is and to my surprise, there was a tow truck! There may as well be a beam of light shining down on it from the heavens!!! I ran like the wind! I super sprinted to the tow truck driver and was nearly choking on my tongue trying to tell him that there were babies locked in the van and he needed to get them out. I pointed like a crazy lady letting him know where the van was located. He finished his boost, and was over in a jiff. Talia is shoving money at him, and he doesn't even know who she is. Covering the groundwork he raced around the van, and had the door open in about 4 seconds. It was amazing. Thank you Ron. I even offered this old man a kiss because I was so overjoyed. I just may have even payed up because the whole experience was a blurr.

That was by far the scariest day since Hudson had since his barfing epidemic a couple of months back. (To this day he still won't eat peas.)

I am not sure what I would have done yesterday if I was to be there by myself, and I think my sister is going to keep and extra key in her purse.


  1. Oh jeez, that is scary! Good job the tow truck was right there.

    Sorry to hear about your mom. That bites. Family can really suck sometimes.

  2. There's that saying'You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family', I totally know how heart breaking it is to have a parent always breaking is by far her loss.

    Thank god for the tow truck, as I was reading I was thinking you need a tow truck because I've waited for road side assistance and it is a fricking joke!!!

    Good on you for keeping it together and not smashing in windows:)

  3. I am SOOO behind.... but I sympathize with you kids...I know your mother. You will do well to let it go, and try not build up for another disapointment. Dont' dwell on the things you cannot change. She is your mom. Take what you get. :)

    Aahhhhh MY GAWD what a day...As frantic as I was feeling reading your post, its so effen funny how you word it...Its great it all turned out well.
