Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Few Random Things....

Well... Just s few things to report, no specific reasoning behind this post.

*I am super excited to report that last night was Hudson's first 'official' night that he slept the whole night! I put him to sleep at 8:30-- and he slept until 6:50! Myself, on the other hand was WIDE AWAKE at 5, wondering why he hadn't squeaked yet. It is a huge accomplishment, and will be something for the two of us to adjust to.

He had been waking up every night faithfully at 2 am for the past week. Much better in comparison to the last 6 months, where he was up consistently every 3 hours. I don't know how I did it.

Last Monday I tried the 'tough love' approach... thanks to a friend that gave me some advice. I had tried everything else known to man, and bought every sleep gadget possible. Nothing worked. Apparently it takes 3 nights to get in the 'habit' of sleeping all night and in their own bed. It took one night! One night, and one solid hour of crying. Hudson was hoarse the next day!

Call social services if you like!

It worked, and I don't care!

*Today we had to go for the 6 month shots. I was horrified of the very thought that I had to take the little man all by myself. Andy has always taken him in the room while I waited like a chicken in the lobby, only to swoop in and save the day when all was said and done.
We survived! Hudson did very well, and knowing that he did so well made me feel a wee bit better. I wouldn't want to do it again right away, but it wasn't quite as bad as I envisioned.

*He is 18lbs 4oz... 25 3/4 inches. Solid kid.

*The sign went out in the yard on Sunday. It makes me wild knowing that we have been working so hard getting things things fixed and 'polished' for the house to show well. This house is great. Cozy and cute. I will miss it.

Today alone, we have showed it twice. I don't imagine it will take long to sell. The next step after it sells, not sure. We still haven't come to an agreement.

Ah, life.


  1. Now that all the house chores are done are you up for a camping trip with the Carps next weekend (18th)?

  2. Congrats on a full nights sleep (well for Hudson, not you)! Is it not the sweetest, sweetest thing?
