Monday, August 31, 2009

All Good Things Come To An End

All good things really do come to an end, and in Hudson's case it is so very true. Sadly, his breastfeeding days are drawing to a close. As much as I know he loves it, it is time.

Before I had even gotten pregnant, I was quite adamant that breastfeeding was not for me. When I did finally get pregnant, I questioned it and put more of a serious thought into it. Then when he arrived, the nurse put him in my arms for the first time to be fed I didn't even hesitate. Without question, I wanted to.

It was by far the hardest thing I have ever done. In the beginning I remember gripping the chair because it was so painful. He couldn't latch properly, and I can recall the frustration like it was yesterday. However, I persevered and I was proud of myself for sticking to it.

It has gone well. The convenience of not washing bottles, quickly jumping in the back seat of the vehicle while out shopping, cuddling up in the morning and whipping the boob out in bed to get that extra wink of sleep. Looking down on his chubby little cheeks knowing that you are responsible for creating them is a pretty remarkable feeling as well.

However, I have been bit 5 times this week. I am not talking about a quick little nip here... I have checked for blood and teeth marks. I even tried to 'fake' a cry after he did it the third time, and he laughed! I just think that if he is biting, then he must be over it. My initial goal was to make it to 9 months so that the transition to cow's milk wasn't so hard. He is 3 weeks away from that mark, and I have given it a pretty good go already. It saddens me a little knowing it will soon be over, but I would love to keep my nipples in tact.

He does do the formula now. I have been giving him bottles when I am out, and one before bed to fill him up for the night. I hope the full time bottle transition goes well. He knows where the real deal is, and he frantically goes from side to side on the outside of my shirt when he wants it. I hope to make this the most pain-free for the two of us as possible. Maybe letting him have it only in the morning until we give it up completely. The horror stories I have heard about the pain of drying up frightens the hell out of me.

So, here we go. No boob in the day... Day one.

1 comment:

  1. When Ashlyn would bite, I would flick her ears. It worked! Good luck with the weaning, it can be a hard thing for us mom's. I let her self wean (she was around 14 months) and we did it very gradually, started cutting out a feed a week. I didn't have any issues with drying up and all went very smoothly.
