Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's 3am... You Awake?

My son has finally been sleeping through the night, or close to it, for about a month now. Give or take.

It is amazing to have sleep in my life again.

He still does wake up some nights, but not for long, and not to be fed. I just go in his room, give him his soother and rub his back so that he is comfortable and goes back to sleep. There has been a couple of nights lately where he wakes up and has the most heart-wrenching scream. I would pick him up, and rock him until he fell back to sleep.

I chalked it up to teething, even giving him Tylenol on occasion.

Well, lately it has been so freaking hot, so I have been going to bed with fans going and all of the windows open in the house.

Last night was one of those nights where he would wake up screaming, and tears squirting out of his eyes. He was very upset. I was rocking and shushing him, finally getting him a bit settled. Then it happened again while I was holding him! His body tenses, and his eyes fly wide open. I stood there, and finally figured it out!

You know what makes him wake up and in tears at 3 am?!?!


How many times do they have to blow that horn in the middle of the night? With his window open, it was clear as day. We do not live overly close to any train tracks, but it was loud. Long, drawn out whistles... over and over again, sending fear into my little boy's bedroom in the dark of the night.

Same thing happened again at 4:30, waking up to a screaming baby with the blast of a train whistle.

All this time, I thought he was waking out of habit. Looks like I will have to turn the radio up louder at night.

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